
As part of the provision from Pooleys Aviation Academy, webinars for each subject are available to book!

Webinars are held every Wednesday (8pm-9pm) and Sundays (9am-10am). Students can choose to attend either or both days.

Click link here to view further details – Pooleys Aviation Academy Webinar Schedule 2025

The webinars are one hour in duration and are designed to accompany your learning through the online lessons and the Pooleys Air Pilot Manuals. Each webinar booking page will let you know the specific lessons being covered.

At the beginning of each webinar, the instructor will give all attendees a number of areas within the subject to look at. It’s up to those on the webinar to decide which sections of the materials should be covered. This means that the content is bespoke and tailored to your needs. The amount you want to get involved is up to you – you can just sit back and listen, attend whilst taking notes, or get really involved and ask questions!


There are a number of different ways in which to organise webinar usage. You have control, so you decide how to want to manage your own learning.

Option 1

You’re really keen to get your theoretical knowledge examinations passed as soon as possible and you’re prepared to give up quite a bit of time to your studies. You can study two subjects at once and attend two webinars per week (covering two different subject areas)– one on a Wednesday evening and one on a Sunday morning. You will cover the complete syllabus in this way in about nine weeks.

Option 2

You want to take a slightly steadier pace, or you only feel able to study one subject at a time due to other commitments. You may wish to pick to attend webinars either on a Wednesday evening or a Sunday morning. If you have holidays booked, you’ll simply skip a subject and come back to it next time around. The syllabus will be covered in approximately five months.

Option 3

You haven’t got an overall plan, or have maybe already passed a couple of exams. Just jump into the webinars that cover the subjects you need to study. You can choose either Wednesdays or Sundays for the webinars (or both) so that you get the subjects you want.

Option 4

You’re pretty happy with the online materials and so will attend webinars which cover specific areas you feel less confident with. You aren’t going to attend a webinar every week, just when you need it.


Attached to this announcement is the webinar schedule as it stands for the remainder of the year. All webinars for 2025 are available to book. Either go to the subject area required and select the webinar you require from the initial page to book onto the date and time you are interested in, or select “seminars” from the type of learning from the Learn tab at the top of the page and again access the subject you want. Or you can simply go to your dashboard and click on the Upcoming Blocks to book the webinar. If you can't see this block visible, it may be hidden on the left hand side. You can book in advance up to the end of the year.

We look forward to seeing you!

Zuletzt bearbeitet: Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2025, 11:27